Monday, March 13, 2017

این۱۰ کشور بالاترین میزان جرائم جنسی و تجاوز را دارند (عکس)

Denmark and Finland

According to NORDIC report : Reported offences per 100,000 of the population were 429 in 
Denmark,Around 500 rapes are reported to the Danish police annually. Studies reveal that only a small minority of all rapes are actually reported. According to a 2014 study published by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Denmark had the highest prevalence rate of physical and sexual violence against women in Europe.Amnesty International  criticized Denamrk for inadequate laws in regard to sexual violence in a 2008 report.Sexual offences (Danish: Seksualforbrydelser) are defined in the Danish Penal Code, Chapter 24, Section 216-236. References in legislation to marriage were removed following the 2013 amendment (previously providing for a reduced sentence or a pardon), and sexual acts performed on victims in a helpless state now also count as rape.In 1999, Denmark established its first rape crisis center.(Source). 


Zimbabwe is at 9th position with maximum rape crimes. At least one woman is raped every 90 minutes in zimbabwe. According to the latest statistics by Zimbabwe National Statistics (ZimStat), 500 women were sexually abused monthly – about 16 women being raped daily.A total of 1 524 cases were reported during the first 3 months of the year, up from 1 285 recorded in the same period last year. Of these reported case, 780 are children (ages from 11 to 16 years) while 276 were children aged between 5 and 10 years. However, there are fears that the number could be higher as some cases go unreported. (Link).


In Australia the reported rape rate per 100,000 people is relatively high. During the year 2012, an estimated 51,200 Australians aged 18 years and over were a victim of sexual assault. Almost a third (30%) of victims of sexual assault had the most recent incident they experienced reported to the police.According to, 1 out of 6 Australian women has to face the torture of rape by a non-partner, compared to one in 14 women around the world. It said that Australian women aged over 15 are victims of rape. Australia (with New Zealand in the research) came third in the worldwide study with 16.4 % of women reporting being raped by someone other than a partner.


Among all violent crimes reported to police, sexual assault showed a rapid increase in reported rates in Canada. According to huffingtonpost, there are 460,000 sexual assaults in the country every year. Its said that 33 out of every 1,000 sexual assault cases are reported to the police, and 29 are recorded as a crime.One out of 4 North American women has to face the torture of rape during their lifetime. 11% of women have physical injury resulting this torture. According to the statistics, only 6% of incidents are reported to the police. Over 80% of victims are women, maximum incidents occur in the home and 80% of assailants are friends and family of the victim. The most disturbing fact is that 83% of disabled women will be sexual assaulted during their lifetime. About all sexual assault victims, 17% are girls and 15% are boys under 16.

New Zealand

In 2013, The Roast Busters scandal exposed the truth about rape in New Zealand. A group of young men from West Auckland, calling themselves “Roast Busters”, who allegedly sought to intoxicate underage girls to gang rape them.According to a report by British medical journal The Lancet sexual assault rate in New Zealand is far higher than the world average. It placed the country at the third highest rate with 16.4 % of its female population, alongside Australia.According to the Minister of Justice Publication Report; Every two hours an attack involving sexual violence is happening in New Zealand.Sexual assaults rose 15% in a year, and at schools the number doubled. Only 9 percent of sexual offences are reported (registered by police) in New Zealand. Of all the reported cases, only 13% end in a conviction. 91 % of the rapes either go unreported, or the victims are intimidated by the police to drop complaints. (New Zeeland Herald).